Ramdev Baba's Coronil: Is it a reliable breakthrough?
A latest statement issued by the AYUSH Ministry has asked Patanjali ayurved not to advertise the Coronil Kit, as a 100% cure for COVID19 because of lack of documents which prove the efficacy of the drug. In response to which, Patanjali has released a set of documents which explains in detail about the composition, clinical trials done, alongwith a few other official documents. It is very essential to note that, both the research articles that were shown as proof, cannot actually be considered as valid perspectives. The reason being, one study which studied the effect of Divya-Swasari-Ras (calcio-herbal ayurvedic formulation), was done in mice & not in humans. Whereas the second study, is a mere computer simulation & not performed on any living species (also it is just a preprint & has not yet recieved peer-review.) Also, these studies were done only for few of the contents of the entire kit i.e, the Divya-Ras tablet & a herb called Giloy in the Coronil tablet. The ...